Friday, April 27, 2012

NURS 6363 - Reflective Blogs by J. Monroe

Unit I - Introduction to the Educational Process

This unit is very challenging to me because I am required to make a curriculum worksheet and I have to make my own philosophy of nursing education. I have no single idea on how to make it. But through readings and review of related articles and textbook concepts, and the assistance of my course instructor, I was able to develop a curriculum and make my own philosophy of nursing.  I was able to understand and describe the role of nursing faculty in development of nursing curricula and I can already discuss the factors that influence curriculum design.  I can say that this course is really very essential in molding me to become a nurse educator in the future.

Unit II - Curriculum Theory and Design

This topic made me understand deeper the factors that need to be seriously considered in developing a curriculum.  I understood that the educational framework of the curriculum is based on the educational philosophy and objectives of the nursing institution.  I learned as well that there were various issues that need to be addressed in developing a curriculum, for example, legal and educational issues like students with learning disabilities, chemical dependency, and mental health problems, along with the faculty responsibilities associated with teaching these students.

Unit III - Curriculum Development Process

This unit guided me to understand that the curriculum is implemented for both faculty and students through teaching strategies and learning activities.  In the curriculum development process, faculty must keep in mind that learning activities that require students’ active engagement in their learning have positive benefits for students and faculty.  Although there are some sources of constraints, faculty should still ensure that learning activities will maximize student learning.  Service learning needs to be incorporated as well in curriculum development, as this will help students in developing values and social responsibilities. This will also provide opportunities for students to attain personal, professional, and curriculum goals, as well as it will benefit to the school by contributing to its educational experiences.

Unit IV - Systematic Curriculum Development

This course taught me a lot of things, especially on the application of the educational philosophy, conceptual framework objectives and program development evaluation towards teaching and learning.  The opportunity to observe a class session made me reflect on my philosophy of nursing education and objectives and on how it will be brought to the classroom together with the application of the institution’s philosophy and objectives for students’ learning.  I realized that an educator must have strong values and be highly knowledgeable and skilled in her subject and teaching strategies in order to convey knowledge to the students.  An educator needs to earn respect from the students as well in order to have a fluidity of discussion and maintain their attention and participation.  Overall, I can say that being an educator is a very challenging job, especially nowadays that they are teaching students with diverse cultures and with different educational backgrounds.  An educator should prepare a curriculum with an educational framework that covers the aforementioned factors affecting the student’s learning abilities.

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